Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Tales from the Supermarket...

Have you ever noticed how many ridiculous things there are at the grocery store? My trip to Safeway today gave me two observations.

First, walking through the produce section, you pass the fine selection of apples. Now, I want to know who the genius was who created the Red Delicious apple. While they're probably the reddest apple of all, they are FAR from delicious. In fact, they are anti-delicious. I bought yellow delicious apples today, and they were definitely delicious. It's a shame the red delicious have to give delicious apples such a bad name. Poor yellow delicious apples.

Anyway, how about them apples? The other thing is WHAT is this obsession with mile long receipts. Remember when receipts were you know, short... or at least relative to how many groceries you bought. My receipt today was literally 2 feet long. WHAT A WASTE OF PAPER! So what takes up all of the space? Let's see...

2" just for the giant Safeway logo at the top.
12" to give me a complete itemized breakdown of every item I bought. Yes, this will make it very convenient when I need to itemize my purchases on my taxes. "I spent $2.49 on Baked Goods... but $5.99 on Non-Edible Groceries. Oh yes.. I can rest easy now...
6" to tell me how much I saved by using my Safeway Club card... ($7.87 cents or 15%... what a deal), and how I've purchased 1 of 7 toward my first free deli sandwich . Woot?
1" to tell me I get a 6-cent/gallon discount on my next tank of Safeway gas. Too bad the closest Safeway gas station is... oh... about 30 minutes away.
Finally... 2" to tell me that I payed with my debit card. I think that could have fit on one line...

Geez... save a tree or two.

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